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Doğan Akman

Once Dhimmis, Always Dhimmis? The case of motion M-103

Monday, 28  March 2017 
With the advent of Christianity, Jews became dhimmis of the Christian world, and then when the Prophet Mohammed turned against the Jews, he borrowed the Christian system and Jews became the dhimmis of both.

One of the reasons my family left Turkey is that my father no longer cared to be part of the Jewish community which the government and the people treated as dhimmis notwithstanding the fact that as a matter of law, under the Turkish Constitution Jews (as well as Greeks and Armenians) were and still are full citizens who enjoyed the full rights and privileges of citizenship as the Muslim citizens.

When we arrived in Canada, we thought we had left the world of dhimmitude.

Well yes we did, but. But while you can take a Jew out of the Diaspora, -for that matter a Jew can do, out of the world of dhimmitude, it seems impossible to take the mentality of the dhimmi out of the Jew.

And, so here we are, in Canada with all the trappings of citizenship, the protection of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Yet we have become again a community whose safety is not only at risk but at the highest risk of being victimised based on the rate of hate crimes: (based on the 2011-2013 data) 12 times more likely victimised than the Muslims (185.4 versus 15.1 per 100,000 people).And the most recently published hate crime statistics for the City of Toronto, paints an even grimmer picture.

Douglas Murray, the British author, commentator and public affairs analyst, in an article titled When the Law Opposes the Truth Rather than Protects reports that Liberal M.P. Iqra Khalid   proclaimed that the introduction of a de facto Islamic blasphemy law in Canada was needed because “We need to build those bridges among Canadians, and this is just one way that we can do that.”   

No kidding! Surely there are a lot of other ways than that.

See also: Judith Bergman, Canada: Bring on the Islamization!

Note: Trudeau has said little, if anything, and has done nothing  of a remedial  and preventative nature about any of the  incidents  reported by Bergman, before and since he was elected to the House of Commons as member of the Liberal Party; subsequently elected Leader of the party and even less, if that is possible, since he became Prime Minister.

He either did not want to or did not know how to get through the cutesy game played by his MP. For example did he notice that some of the wording in her motion is almost word for word from the plan that Sameer Majzoub set out after the first motion went through. Nor did he obviously notice that his M.P thanked a lot of people by name for their help in putting forward the motion without mentioning their organizational affiliations. And he possibly did not care that in her university days she was president of her university’s chapter of the Muslim Student Association, a group founded by the Muslim Brotherhood, and extremist organization, godfather of Hamas, whose aim is anything but to promote multiculturalism and building bridges with the infidels. Nor for that matter, did she mentioned that fact in her website.

And yet, Shimon Koffler Fogel CEO of the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs(CIJA) in an article titled Looking Beyond M-103:A Chance to Unite Against Hate dated March 20,2017,  wrote: “We support the motion’s intended objective of combating anti-Muslim hate in Canada which should be unanimously endorsed. However, we are concerned with the potential validation of any restriction placed on criticizing those manifestations of Islam that drive hatred  and violence against Jews, Muslims and other Canadians….Unfortunately, rather than serving as a vehicle for building solidarity in the face of bigotry, which was clearly the intent of the initiative,M-103  has engendered a polarized climate of misunderstanding, misinformation and animosity…Following the anticipated adoption of the motion, critics and proponents alike must set their disagreements aside and ensure that any parliamentary initiative that follows is unifying…In reaching out to the Jewish community leaders on this issue, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau  has instilled confidence that this unifying approach to fighting hate will prevail .”

What dhimmi nonsense. He supports the objective of combating anti-Muslim hate. But what about anti-Semitic hate that has and continues to be spewed from the pulpits of the pews of mosques and elsewhere? How does he know what the “true” intended objective of the motion was (see :Murray infra.) and that the clear intent of the initiative was to be a vehicle for building solidarity   in the face of bigotry, when Muslims writers and commentators, who surely know the score better than Mr. Fogel, are pointing out to the contrary?  Is it not presumptuous of him to suggest that the motion ought to be unanimously endorsed in the light of justifiable concerns, one of which is mentioned by him when in fact the motion engendered a polarised climate and animosity?

Is it not also presumptuous of the author to suggest that the opposition to the motion was based on a climate of misunderstanding and misinformation, in the light of the fact that the grounds advanced by Muslim writers and commentators for opposing the motion basically confirmed those of the critics?

In light of his past  utterances and behaviour  which ranged from mindless to inane, to imprudent and  at times bizarre, all of them indefensible on matters  related to the two branches  of the Muslim community, and his utter indifference to the plight of Jewish students on campuses; his government’s forked tongue approach to anti-BDS  motion, Mr. Fogel’s  claim that in reaching out to the leaders of the Jewish community  on this issue [presumably hatred], the Prime Minister… has installed confidence that this unifying approach to fighting hate will prevail.

What is the Prime Minister going to do for the Jewish and Christian communities and Canadians and Canada at large?
  1. Is he going to legislate
  1. A padlock law to shut down every mosque where anti-Semitic cum anti-Judaic, anti-Christian or anti-Canadian incitement occurs through sermons, prayers and supplications or otherwise?
  2. The deportation every cleric who is not a landed immigrant or a Canadian citizen who engages in such incitement?
  3. The revocation the culprits with landed immigrant status and expel them? 
  4. The imposition of a hefty fine on the congregation of the Mosque where the offending words were uttered?  

     2. Will he
  1.  Require all the organised  Muslim groups to denounce  and condemn publicly  the preachers,  the clerics and lay leaders who engage in the forbidden behaviour, and
  2. Cut off the federal funding of organizations that refuse to do that? 
     3. Will he pass legislation prohibiting;
  1.  the use of or references to books written by people who subscribe to religious teaching expressed in the Qu’ran, the Hadith and in related writings, that are anti-Semitic and anti-Christian and offend the fundamental values of Canada  extremists;
  2. the availability of such books in
  1. )  public libraries such as the Ottawa public library;
  2. )  mosques;
  3. )  confessional private and public schools or other educational   programs, and
  4. )  religious services in public schools? 
      4. Will he cut public funding to all organizations in Canada
  1. Which as such or through any member of its staff are shown to be connected or to  foreign organizations that have been declared to be subversive religious organizations, or
  2. With respect to which there exists prima facie evidence of their connection to organizations involved in activities irreconcilable with the national interests and values of Canada? 

       5.  Will he prohibit foreign funding of Muslim schools and organizations originating     from  countries whose official religious doctrine comprises teaching contempt and hatred for other religions, values, goals, and behavioural directions inimical or hostile to the fundamental values of Canada and to the religions and religious beliefs of its inhabitants, and therefore, ex-facie breach one or more provisions of the Charter, of other quasi-constitutional legislation, of the Criminal Code and other legislation of general application? No, he will do no such things .But based on his behaviour to date on matters related to matters of faith, I verily believe that he will do such things and behave in such a way as to make the life of the Jewish community more “trying”.

Will the Jewish community and organizations ever reach the point in time when enough will be enough and they will stop crossing oceans for people, who wouldn’t even jump meaningful puddles of solidarity for and with them? Judging from the tenor and substance of Mr. Fogel’s article, such a time will never be reached. 

And in the result, the Jewish community will ask forever the government to increase the sums allocated under the Security Infrastructure program ( SIP), as it succeeded doing in the March budget. A prevention program that does not address the sources and causes of the hateful treatment of the community and therefore provides a united front to “hatred.

Then again that is the most dhimmis can aspire to under the laws of dhimmitude: Some protection. No more, no less.

I think it is about time, for the community and its organizations to call a spade a spade and vigorously move and challenge the present state of affairs, point the finger to Mr. Trudeau’s and his Liberals’ failings to date, call out on the Jewish M.P(s), to show some guts, stop acting as the Prime Minister’s puppet(s) and vote against motions like M-103 and its predecessor.

In the meantime, I wish people of common sense would inform Mr. Trudeau not to mindlessly keep repeating his slogan of three parts.

The first part “in Canada diversity is a source of strength” because it is not and it will never be, so long as the adherents of the hateful parts of a religion, keep strengthening and expanding across the country and   start systematically to subject the various levels of governments and their emanations to their wishes in a variety of ways, as evidenced by the example of the two closely intertwined motions concerning “so-called “Islamophobia.

The second part” to continue promoting inclusiveness” is surely  equally nonsensical  to promote inclusiveness with respect to the same adherents  which is hostile to the notion of multiculturalism and inclusion  into the host society and instead  wish  to force the community to accept  and submit to their religion, values and way of  being, thinking, acting to become one of them.

The third part “silence is not an option in relation to racism and xenophobia” does not make sense on two levels: On the first level, the “so-called“ Islamophobia” is not and cannot be a matter of race since Muslims belong to different races all of which races are found in Canada and are not hated as such. As to xenophobia, the Prime Minister got the problem backwards. The problem is not one of xenophobia since  the Canadians who take issue with or are hostile to Muslim immigrants  do not do so generically but direct  their hostility  to the immigrants who do not wish to integrate into Canada but continue to , think, behave and generally live as they had done in their countries of origin. Canada is not a buffet who allows some to help them to the benefits not available back in the old country and feel at liberty to reject the rest.

On the second level, in such circumstances, in a real sense, the appropriate term is not xenophobia, but one that would capture a situation where a sub-group of the above mentioned kind of adherents. 

And on the second level, the Prime Minister has not only remained silent but through his omissions and commissions provided legitimacy to their utterances and behaviour in a variety of ways. 

In these circumstances, the Jewish community cannot hope for or expect much or anything that would improve their situation.

This leads me to wonder whether the current immigration and refugee policies of the government, claimed to be designed to help the country and its economy grow and the country prosper is not in effect providing the present generation of the labour force the opportunity to enjoy this prosperity at the expense of the following generations who will keep facing the problems of reverse-Islamophobia which by then would have compounded in magnitude and gravity.

Will Europe be their destiny as well? The considerable numbers of articles penned by Muslim authors I have read so far, share my apprehensions. Ironically enough, so do the mainstream reformist Muslim community of Canada, whose advice our esteemed Prime Minister has long ignored or rejected while putting down that segment of the Canadian Muslim community.

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