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Doğan Akman

Muslim Anti-Semitism and Motion M-103-The Islamophobia Obsession

Saturday, 1 April 2017

I am beginning to believe that Liberal Members of Parliament cannot, as the imagery puts it, even go to the loo to attend to a call of nature, before first making a statement at the door of the loo condemning Islamophobia and advertising one motion after  another.

 According to an article by David Akin titled Liberal Jewish and Muslim MPs condemn imams who called for the death of Jews in Canadian Politics, datelined February 22, 2017, 17 Liberal, mostly Muslim and the few Jewish Members of Parliament,   issued what appears to be about a page long statement condemning the two Imams who damned and cursed and called for the death of the Jews, and the hate notes posted outside identifiable Jewish homes in Toronto during the week-end past.

These were not cases of individual idiosyncrasies. What they uttered relates to the religious lessons they received which in turn govern their lives –thoughts and actions.  

In their long- winded statement they could not just focus on the disgusting barbaric  behaviour of the two imams and the other hate crimes but they had  to stick in there three full paragraphs defending and praising motion M-103  which highlights Islamophobia.

I think this is rather sad and bitterly ironic.

It is sad for the Jewish members of Parliament who could not stand by themselves as Jewish lawmakers and members of the Jewish community, to condemn these abominations and demand that  

  1. the imams be
  1. Prosecuted under the hate crime provisions of the Criminal Code;
  2. Expelled from the country , if they are not Canadian citizens;
     b.  the Criminal Code be specifically amended

  1. To forbid  religious prayers, supplications and sermons and any other pronouncements in any educational undertakings or otherwise,  by clerics that curse, vilify, damn, condemn, ask for the death or subjugation of and  victory over  members of nations and countries that are not Muslim; 
  2. To require every Muslim establishment where religious services and educational activities are conducted, file every three months  a sworn statement to certify  full compliance with the proposed provision of the Criminal code
  3. To provide heavy penalties for those convicted of such offences and failure to comply with the filing requirement. 

Instead, dhimmis they are, they peddled and promoted motion M-103 instead of demanding that the wording of the motion be amended by removing the reference to Islamophobia, and failing that, insisting that the motion be either 

After all, since the aggregate rate of anti-Semitic hate crimes and offences- excluding the anti-Semitic hate crimes and offences committed in Islamic establishments, is 12 times larger than the hate crimes and offences allegedly committed against members of the Muslim community of Canada.

It is bitter irony that the behaviour of the two imams, by no means, the first two instances where imams preached or supplicated to this effect and more not only against Jews but against all non-Muslims and Canada as a country demonstrates clearly that the negative attitudes towards Muslims are not a matter of phobia, or based on visceral fantasy but spring from irrefutable evidence of this type.

Where were these good Muslim folks peddling motion M-103; other imams and the major Canadian Muslim organizations which do not subscribe to the reformist school of Islam or are affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood or other movements of the same ilk, when between 2009 and 2016 imams; in 2009 ( Said Ragea  at Abu Huraira  Centre); in 2012 (Sheik Abdulkqani Mursal at Masjid Al Hikma mosque, Toronto);in 2014 (Sayed AlGhitawi at Al Andalous Islamic Centre, Montreal); during 2015-2016 (Shaykh Abdool Hamid, recited similar prayers on at least eight occasions); in 2016 during Ramadan (Ayman Elkasrawy at a Masjid Toronto mosque) and in 2016 (Sheik Muhammad bin Musa al Nasr at Dar al-Arqam mosque in Montreal); spewed abominable supplications/ prayers  or sermons for the destruction of Jews, for the success of jihad, against  both Jews and Christians or various combinations thereof, except for the fact that this time around  the incidents being condemned came up, uh, so very inconveniently, when motion M-103 is up for a vote ?

In how many other locations and how often have similar obscenities been uttered and continue to be uttered and remain undetected?

And what about the specific ritual supplication uttered by imams at many mosques in Canada and around the world just prior to the formal Friday community prayer, the Jum’a, where the cleric prays to Allah for, among other things, to grant “Muslims victory over the “Qawm al-Kafiroon”- the Arabic phrase that lumps all non-Muslims-Jews, Hindus, Christians, Atheists, Buddhists and Sikhs-into a derogatory category, the Kuffar”, or non- Muslims.

The supplication or prayer which comes at the end of the sermon is:

“O Allah, pour patience upon Muslims, strengthen their feet and give them victory over ‘Qawm al-Kafiroon.”

“O Allah, give victory to our brothers the Muslims, the oppressed, the tyrannized and the ‘Mujahedeen’ (those who fight jihad against the non-Muslims).”

On that particular day, far from condemning what had happened at Charlie Hebdo followed by the carnage at the kosher store in Paris, the cleric speaking in English thundered that Islam “will be established in the land, over all other religions, although the “Disbelievers” hate that.”

This, by the way, was said in at least one Toronto mosque in January of 2015 despite the fact that this prayer is not mandatory.

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