

About Dogan

Doğan Akman

About the world - The American Jewish community

Saturday, 25  February 2017
The sore losers and the anti-Israeli jerks
The pitiful state of the American Jewish community and some Jewish organisations is a sight to behold.
Some of them cannot abide by the fact that Trump beat Clinton fair and square in accordance with the electoral laws of the land.
They cannot reconcile themselves to the fact that Trump is the President of the United States and will remain so for the next four years.
Hence, they have been and continue to wage an ugly war against him in mindless demonstrations, displaying ugly signs and   uttering hysterical slogans and speeches instead of acting in a sober, respectful and constructive manner. A bunch of self-righteous arrogant fools.
Is it then surprising that the anti-Semitic supporters of Trump have been having fun going after the Jewish community and its institutions? Is it surprising that Trump is not muzzling his anti-Semitic dogs, keeping them on the shortest possible leash and where possible, putting them back in the dog house?
Only schmucks think they can keep spitting in the President’s face and expect him to act as they ask.
As to the anti-Israeli Jewish jerks, they have taken to vilify Israel by criticizing every pronouncement, proposal, initiative and decision of Trump supportive of Israel and of the Israeli people, while putting firm brakes on settlement expansion.
The way things are going, I would not be surprised if the United States turns into a cesspool of anti-Semitism reminiscent of the olden days, while becoming a strong and faithful supporter, defender and protector of Israel.
If nothing else Trump’s election has already accomplished one good thing on the domestic scene: It has put that vile outfit J (Judas) Street out of business in the White House.

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