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Liberals Vote for the N.D.P Parliamentary Motion Condemning “all-forms of islamophobia”

Friday, 3  March 2017

On October 26, 2016, the liberal M.P.’s voted unanimously in favour of a Parliamentary motion that condemns “all forms of Islamophobia” without knowing what the term means, and the motion provided none.

Bizarre reasoning to restore funding to UNWRA: It’s 2016!
In 2010, the Harper government removed funding to United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine  Refugees (UNWRA) due  to the agency`s well documented support for terrorism, such as offering its facilities to use as terrorist bases and donating vehicles for transport of weapons.
On November 17, 2016, the government reinstated the funding to UNWRA to the tune of $25 million.
Marie-Claude Bibeau, the Minister of International Development, in announcing the grant, among other things stated: “We want to see Palestinian refugee children in classrooms where they can learn universal values of tolerance and respect.” (Emphasis mine)
Minister Bibeau is also undoubtedly expecting the children to supplement their knowledge of universal values of tolerance and respect in their spare time, by undergoing military training with Hamas` military arm. 
She is, no doubt, expecting the children to learn these things from their virulently anti-Semitic teachers and from their textbooks, which just like those used in Palestinian Authority’s schools which “contain disturbing narratives including, language that negates Israel as a Jewish state, insists on a full right of return for Palestinians…, endorses violence towards Israel, and rejects the Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiations. “(Interim Report issued by IMPACT-se (Institute for Monitoring Peace and Cultural Tolerance in School Education titled   ” The PA Educational System: In the Shadows of the Terror Wave by Eldad  J. Pardo, May 2016).
In its yearly reports, “U.N. Watch”, an independent non-governmental monitoring agency accredited to the United Nations at Geneva, has provided evidence that that UNWRA runs schools that promote Nazism, jihad and child terrorists. The fact that these schools are hotbeds of violence and hatred. Its educators incite terror and profound anti-Semitism publicly as well as in the classrooms influencing Palestinian children to become violent Jew- haters.
Considering the destructive track record of the UNWRA that abuses the hearts and minds of vulnerable Palestinian children surely, the grant is an insult to the Canadian taxpayers.
One has to wonder, what the Cabinet members were smoking when they made the decision to restore the funding   and the Minister continued to smoke when she made that statement.
Why is Canada not taking any action to prevent its funds to be used for the schooling of children?
Shortly after, the grant was announced, Hillel N. Neuer, the Canadian born lawyer who heads “UN. Watch”, an independent non-governmental monitoring agency accredited to the United Nations at Geneva, publicly called on the Prime Minister to support an independent and international commission of Inquiry, to investigate the culture of impunity for perpetrators of racism and incitement that UNWRA.
Can you guess what the Prime Minister did in response to the invitation?
The government defeats the Conservative parallel motion to Liberal Motion   M-103: It’s 2106
Cf. Infra. Motion M-103
The Prime Minister led his MPs to vote unanimously against all the parties in the House, to defeat the Conservative motion that pursues the same overall objectives as the Liberal motion M-103, but omits the reference to the term Islamophobia.      But why ? 

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